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News & Articles
The new TRS6 and TRS8 models allow attached work tools (including buckets, forks, grapples…
We commemorate 95 years of Caterpillar, which started in 1925 with the joining of Holt Cat…
Mantrac customers are among the many who have benefitted from the app.
See how Emmanuel Techie and Desmond Konadu, two Cat-certified technicians, partnered with…
Caterpillar® has launched an online Customer COVID-19 Resource Center to provide the lates…
Many countries are still reliant on diesel as their main source of power generation. This…
The Cat 426F2 Backhoe Loader has received a Mantrac customer's approval on price, reliabil…
Cat's Technicians for Africa website offers online learning opportunities in English, Fren…
Mantrac shares a message from Caterpillar in these uncertain times. We want to ensure you…
With the new era of mining technology driving efficiency across the world's mine sites, Mo…
Mantrac Tanzania is excited to share news about Technicians for Africa graduation
Much of our business is concerned with large Caterpillar equipment. Increasingly, servicem…
In everything we strive for, we strive for excellence. Often, achievements are not the res…
Water is a fundamental human need that is unfortunately not readily available to all. It h…
Technology grants us the ability to develop and expand our business in many ways.
The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly disrupted the world of work. It's forced us all to…
We never know what kind of information might be useful to us when we face new and present…
Mantrac Vostok has learned from its long history that employees are crucial to the company…
Ghana had a strong start to the year as the team at the Mohamed L Mansour Component Rebuil…
When it comes to servicing customers, often we must rely on travel to get the job done. Bu…
Across Mantrac’s global operations, we have seen how different branches of the company hav…
This is the inspiring story of Hope Emmanuel Frank, a 15-year-old from Nigeria with dreams…
Mantrac was contacted by the Suez Canal Authority to provide support for their rescue oper…
In this Mantrac Heroes article we look at a more extreme version of the isolation we have…
Safety has always been a hot topic in the mining industry and over the years, there has be…
With COVID-19 disrupting daily life and work throughout Kenya in 2020, it made equipment r…
As part of our mission to be good corporate citizens in the markets in which we operate, M…
At some point we all have the experience of needing to get work done on a much shorter dea…
Mantrac Tanzania has gone the extra mile to support the Cat Technicians for Africa (T4A) p…
Our sister company, AMEL Ghana (Africa Middle East Leasing), has received its Operational…
Unatrac has entered into a new distribution partnership with USA-headquartered material so…
Mantrac CoE logistics team has successfully delivered 25 Cat 320 Excavators and 25 front a…
Mantrac COE logistics and ordering team have successfully completed a contract with Uganda…
A comprehensive warehouse management solution has successfully been rolled out at the Spar…
As we know, the risks associated with mining are high, with many occupational hazards faci…
Mantrac Liberia has won new business with Sing Africa for the delivery of 21 SEM machines…
Mantrac's unique and innovative CVA Field Service Delivery Assessment has been recognised…
Mantrac Nigeria responds to increased interest in gas-fuelled solutions with the delivery…
The ongoing construction of the high-speed rail line under construction in Egypt is being…
Proving that an isolated location is not a problem, we have successfully delivered Caterpi…
Since 2014, the UN has recognised World Youth Skills day to “… celebrate the strategic imp…
The construction industry is the largest and fastest-growing industry in Africa. It employ…
There are over 570 construction projects in Africa worth an estimated USD $450 billion. Th…
The operations of Mantrac Group’s subsidiary company in Russia, Mantrac Vostok Limited, ha…
Mantrac live
In this video, we're going to demonstrate the new Condition Monitoring Report feature, sho…
Mantrac Uganda achieves an impressive milestone of 500,000 manhours with ZERO Lost Time In…
Solution Spotlight
The Barrick Gold Mine in North Mara, Tanzania, encountered several cases of unplanned down…
Mantrac delivered a genset power solution to support poultry operations at Cairo 3A in Egy…
Tazama Pipelines needed to upgrade their operations across a 1,800 km pipeline from Tanzan…
As part of our solar EPC services, Mantrac designed and installed a 1.5 MW photovoltaic po…
Mantrac designed a completely solar-powered water desalination and purification system tha…
The Artumas group partnered with Mantrac to make power more accessible and economic growth…
Suez, Egypt's Construction Authority of Potable Water and Wastewater, came to Mantrac to h…
JV Acciona-Passavant required a power solution that did not heavily rely on electricity fo…
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Mantrac delivered a turnkey powerplant solution at a g…
Mantrac successfully supplied emergency diesel generators for the initial phases of this p…
Navigating non-standard dimensions and consolidating 12 components from 4 countries for a…
Mantrac executed a total solution for a power plant for Disoucu Oil and Gas Field in Egypt…
This leading power generation rental company was using parts from non-Cat manufacturers. T…
Ask the Expert
Discover the key features, benefits and specifications of the Next Generation Caterpillar…
Find out everything you need to know about the Caterpillar CS11GC Soil Compactor, and what…
Discover one of our most versatile and technologically advanced machines, the Caterpillar…
Take a closer look at the Cat® 330GC Excavator, part of the productive, reliable and durab…
In this walkaround video with one of our experts, discover the 655D SEM Wheel Loader and h…
Find out how the new design of the Cat® 330GC Excavator reduces fuel consumption by up to…
Find out why the Cat® 330GC Excavator features a non-metallic fuel tank and what makes it…
Listen to our expert explain the design of the Cat® 330GC Excavator’s heavy-duty undercar…
With a capacity of 1.8m3 and an innovative design, 330GC bucket is proven to give you more…
330GC Excavator has been designed with an improved hydraulic control system to reduce powe…
When looking at maintenance cost of the Cat 330GC Excavator it all comes down to downtime,…
How does the electric cooling fan reduce fuel consumption in the newly designed Cat® 330GC…
With the new design of the Cat® 330GC Excavator, you get 5% more swing torque than the old…
Learn more about our state-of-the-art Component Rebuild Centre (CRC) in Ghana and our hydr…
At Mantrac Ghana, we pride ourselves on being better than the rest. Find out about our hyd…
We’ve got the skills and experience to carry out brush plating on hydraulic cylinder rods…
The end-of-stroke bypass test of hydraulic cylinders after repair is a key part of Mantrac…
What’s under the hood of the Cat 330GC Excavator that helps reduce maintenance cost by up…
As one of the world’s largest Caterpillar dealers, we’ve got the expertise and know-how to…
Here our expert talks you through the advantages of the newly designed air filter and how…
The new Cat® 330GC Excavator has been designed to reduce fuel consumption which in turn re…
Take a closer look inside the cabin of the newly designed Cat® 330GC Excavator and find ou…
Ever had a Cat® genset that started but didn’t show any power on the facility? Watch this…
In this short video, our Service Engineer tells you the 5 possible scenarios when you migh…
It’s important to cool down your genset engine before stopping it. Why? It can result in o…
What do you need to do to ensure your new Cat® genset can be safely delivered and properly…
Has your Cat® genset shut down intermittently? Here, our Service Engineer explains why thi…
Any oil consumption above a normal range on your Cat® genset can be deemed excessive and t…
Knowing how to properly care for your Cat genset is essential to getting the most out of y…
As with any piece of equipment, it’s important to know how to maintain it properly. Here,…
There are many things to consider when choosing which size genset you need for your operat…
Our specialised equipment salvages damaged or worn bores, saving money, improving turnarou…
Our service capabilities offer you a competitive repair option over a new reman part. Take…
Our expert explains how our specialised equipment repairs heavy machinery equipment to mee…
Find out how our metal arc spray machine works to salvage heavy machinery components back…
The Cat® D6 GC gives you performance and reliability in a simple, economical dozer. Our ex…
Success Story
When a resort in Egypt noticed excessive black smoke and oil dilution during regular opera…
See how Mantrac helped Agyapaddo Construction Co. Ltd acquire brand-new Cat® machines, som…
Ethylene Products and Lubricants Ltd., a plastic production facility in Nigeria proudly st…
Solid Rock Investments Ltd., a construction company in Liberia, considered many factors be…
The director of this construction company operating in rural Tanzania has employed the use…
Our customer needed to conduct frequent maintenance, including engine oil drainage with sh…
Golden Veroleum is an Oil Palm development company in Liberia committed to sustainable an…
Beyond a Partnership
Misr International University has relied on our Caterpillar generators to power its lesson…
We’ve powered Ethylene Products and Lubricants, one of Nigeria’s leading plastic manufactu…
Mantrac provides ongoing support and maintenance for GMC’s 16 Caterpillar machines to ensu…
Our maintenance work and constant restocking of parts helps Maxmass run operations at thei…
Gold Fields chose our 24/7 on-site support option for help with parts stock consignment, r…
With our technical expertise, advanced technology and fast genuine parts supply, we ensure…
Our Customer Value Agreement (CVA) supports Fountain of Life Church deliver uninterrupted…
For the past six years, Jan De Nul has used our equipment and services to run operations a…
With Mantrac’s Caterpillar power solutions, Rite Foods provides Nigeria with its favourite…
Our power solutions keep Olam Grains’ production up and running, ensuring zero power outag…
Building Egypt’s future infrastructure means Orascom Construction needs reliable hydraulic…
Our Customer Value Agreement (CVA) is tailored to Arish Cement’s needs, providing them wit…
Memphis Metropolitan uses construction equipment from our affordable SEM product range to…
Our proven solar technology solution allows Spaceplast to cut costs and tap into an unlimi…
Mantrac Cat gas generators drive wastewater treatment operations at Acciona Project’s faci…
Clarke Group purchased a 426F2 Backhoe Loader for farming operations in Uganda and continu…
Iratrac delivered eight Cat® 2,000 kVA generators and expert after sales support for a maj…
Iratrac helped Iraq’s Basra Governate tackle the COVID-19 pandemic with the supply and ins…
Iratrac provided 12 Cat® 3516 2,000 kVA generators for a major desalination project that w…
Since 2018, Ayoti Contractors have been relying on our aftermarket support and four Caterp…
Since 2018, Mantrac has been supporting Bagamoyo Sugar Limited with their project to devel…
Hear from our customer, GKN Nigeria Ltd, a dredging and reclamation services company, on h…
In this video, hear from our customer, Gulf Aggregate, the leading supplier of aggregate a…
Farmtrac Nigeria Ltd puts its continued success and growth down to Mantrac, thanks to our…
Hear from our customer Cliffruth Investment Ltd in Nigeria about how our supply of SEM mac…
Watch this short testimonial from North Refineries Company on why they chose Iratrac for t…
Caterpillar machines make up almost 100% of high speed train project contractors workforce…
We show you how to use Parts.Cat.Com (PCC), our online store and your one-stop-shop for al…
Learn about Cat® Maintenance Best Practice to minimise equipment downtime, avoid expensive…
We introduce you to the Heli family with a walkthrough of our 3-tonne forklift, informatio…
Hear from a Cat® expert, see a live walkaround of machines and learn about our full produc…
Find out what we do and why we’re a preferred worldwide partner for every operational need…
Find out about our wide range of new and used machines available for our customers worldwi…
Find out what makes us the best dealer for your operations, from pre-purchase right throug…
Hear from one of our customers on why they choose to shop online with Mantrac and get a be…
Ask an Expert today!